
Hosting the Global Creative Studio Day online reduces costs and reflects the environmental concerns of our members. However, there are still overhead expenses to running online events, as well as for developing a quality program. Our artists, presenters and organisers have willingly given their expertise and time for free, and we are immensely grateful for their generous spirit. It would be befitting if we could also give them a thank you gift. 

We wish our events to be as affordable to as many people as possible. Thus, with participants coming from different cirumstances, countries and economies, we suggest a SLIDING SCALE DONATION when you sign up for our events. Our costs would be met if all attendees paid £10.

Use the guide below to decide which level is appropriate for you – you will not be required to show any proof.

All income generated from donations will go towards costs of the Global Creative Studio Day with any excess supporting the work of WEC Arts Release / next year’s events.

Rough guide to help you know how much to donate

* BASIC NEEDS include food, housing, clothing and transport.
**EXPENDABLE INCOME might mean you are able to go out to a café or shop and buy coffee, tea or drink, go to the cinema or a concert, buy new clothes, books and similar items each month.

£5 if these apply to you
  • I frequently stress about meeting basic needs* and do not always achieve them.
  • I am unemployed or underemployed.
  • I qualify for government or voluntary assistance, for example, food banks and benefits.
  • I have no or very limited expendable income**.
  • I can't afford a holiday, or I can't afford to take time off without financial burden.

£10 if these apply to you 
  • I may stress about meeting my basic needs* but still regularly achieve them.
  • I am employed.
  • I have some expendable income**.
  • I can take a holiday annually, or every few years without financial burden.
  • I am comfortably able to meet all of my basic needs*.
  • I have expendable income**. 
  • I have access to financial savings.
  • I can afford an annual holiday or take time off.

£15 or more
  • I am comfortably able to meet all my needs and would like to contribute to the ArtsRelease ministry, and help towards covering the cost for those who are unable to pay £10.