Journaling as a Prophetic Legacy—Creatively Carrying Your Prophetic Voice into the Future with Joan C. Thomson Learn to creatively journal from the overflow of God’s imprint on your life through creative non-fiction techniques and more, to speak prophetically to generations beyond your lifetime. Never without paper and pen, Joan C. Thomson has been in the arts ministry with her colourful visual art, and blog writing for thirty years. It all began with her question, “Now what, Lord?” when she graduated as an adult from studying art and writing in college. In response, God called her to art ministry and gave her a beginning when no one she knew had heard of ministry with arts. In working with mission organisations including membership with WEC, she has travelled to many parts of the world, carrying a journal with her. Previously working with Arts Release UK and living in the UK, she and her husband again make their home in the United States.Social Media Links Facebook website Session time(s) Loading... (45 minutes), Loading... (45 minutes) Participant Limit 15 people Special Requirements Paper to write on, a journal or notebook, and a pen(s)